Steps for Building a Laminate Countertop:
- Set the ⅝-inch plywood countertop substrate into place on top of the cabinets.
- Cut the plywood backsplash pieces down to size using a circular saw and straightedge guide.
- Slip the backsplashes between the rear edge of the counter and the wall.
- Press the backsplashes tight against the wall, then scribe a cut line along the top of the plywood counter.
- Use a circular saw and straightedge guide to cut the counter down to size; be sure to allow for a 1-inch overhang along the front of the counter, and ¼ inch at the ends.
- Test fit the counter to ensure it fits properly.
- Attach 4-inch-wide plywood build-up strips around the perimeter underside of the counter, and along any seams.
- Use a block plane to trim the build-up strips flush with the counter edges.
- Lay plastic laminate sheet on top of counter and make a rough cut with a laminate router.
- Use trim router or table saw to cut 2-inch-wide strips of laminate for covering the edges of the 1¼-inch-thick counter. Cut 1-inch-wide strips for covering the edges of the backsplash.
- Spray aerosol contact cement onto the back surfaces of the edge-laminate strips and along the edges of the countertop. Wait about 6 or 8 minutes until the cement feels tacky.
- Stick the laminate strips onto the counter edges, then press them down with a J-roller.
- Remove the excess laminate with a trim router.
- Use a belt sander to sand the edge laminate strips flush with the top and bottom of the counter.
- Trim the laminate flush at the outside corners with a single-cut mill bastard file. Repeat the previous five steps to cover the backsplashes with laminate.
- Trace around the sink template and cut the sink hole in the counter using a jigsaw.
- Use a paint roller to apply contact cement to the top of the counter and to the back side of the countertop laminate. Wait about 6 or 8 minutes until the cement feels tacky.
- Cover the counter with several ½-inch-diameter wood dowels. Set the laminate on top.
- Check to be sure laminate overhangs the counter on all edges and ends, then start pulling out the wood dowels.
- Press down the laminate using a J-roller.
- Use the trim router to cut away the excess laminate from around the edges of the counter, and from the sink cutout.
- Apply a bead of silicone adhesive to the rear edges of the counter.
- Fasten the backsplash to the rear of the counter using 2-inch screws.
- Set the completed counter down on top of the cabinets.
- Lift the front edge of the counter and apply silicone adhesive to the tops of the cabinets.
- Run a bead of silicone adhesive around the sink cutout, then drop the sink down onto the counter.